Neck, Upper Back and Shoulder Exercises
Shoulder Blade Squeeze (Scapular Retract)
Stand straight with legs shoulder width apart, tummy tucked and looking straight ahead. While slowly breathing in, squeeze your shoulder blades together while you open your palms. Pause, then breathe out and relax.
Repeat 6x, 2 sets.

Shoulder Shrugs
Stand with legs shoulder width apart, tummy tucked and looking straight ahead. Slowly lift shoulders while taking a deep breath. Pause then quickly exhale and drop the shoulders. Repeat 2x, 2 sets, alternating with shoulder blade squeeze.

Shoulder Mobility
Slightly stagger your legs with opposite leg ahead. Make small circles with your arm, gradually making circles as large as possible. Repeat in reverse. Make sure to use your body momentum and swing the arm quickly. Do 10x each direction and then alternate sides.

Shoulder hand Clap
Standing straight, lean forward slightly and swing your arms out and in, in a pendulum fashion. Using your body momentum swing them up over your head and clap them together. Repeat 10x.

Cervical Ranges of Motion
Rotation โ Standing straight with feet shoulder width apart and tummy tucked. Slowly rotate your head to the left as far as you can. Pause and then rotate the right as far as you can. Repeat 5x.
Lateral Flexion โ Bend your head towards your right shoulder and pause. Then bend towards your left shoulder and pause. Repeat 5x each way.
Diagonal Flexion โ Rotate your head 45 degrees to the right and bend it down. Hold 5 seconds. Alternate sides. Repeat 5x each side.

External Shoulder Rotation
Bend your arms 90 degrees and tuck elbows against your sides. Slowly rotate your arms outwards while elbows are pinned to your sides. Repeat 2 sets of 10x. To increase difficulty, hold onto resistance tubing with both hands.

Pectoralis Stretch
Stand beside the outside corner of a wall or a doorway with feet staggered outside foot forward. Raise and bend your inside arm to 90 degrees. Always keep the elbow below shoulder level. Lean your upper body forward and away from the raised arm. Hold for 10-15 secs. Alternate sides. Repeat 3x each side.
Side Stretch
Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees bent. Hold right arm overhead with elbow bent. Slowly bend to left side. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 3x each side. Can also be done in a seated position. For a greater stretch reach elbow diagonally forward.

Scooping Stretch
Clasp one hand into the other with palms facing out. Starting with hands at your chest. Scoop out and reach as far as possible. Complete cycle by returning clasped hands to chest. Entire cycle should be done while inhaling. Repeat cycle while exhaling. Repeat 5x, alternate hand clasp.

Row and Fly
Sit on edge of seat with legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend forward with arms slightly bent and hands at calf level, palms down. Slowly sit up while pulling arms first towards you and then back and away while inhaling. Pause. Then slowly bring arms forward and down while leaning forward and exhaling. Repeat 5-10x. To increase difficulty step on exercise tubing and holding the ends with hands and repeat motion.