Success Stories
What others say about chiropractic care can help you make the right health care choice. Review a selection of Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre patient testimonials below and please email me or contact the office if you have any questions.
Yours in Health,
Dr. James DiGiuseppe
The Family

The Bergman Family: Leif, Crystal, Ethan, Aria and Elliot.
Dr. James has been seeing our family now for many years. It started out just seeing myself for help with my headaches and lower back pain. The regular adjustments have helped me greatly and I very seldom have lower back pain anymore. They have also helped to minimize the number of headaches I have. I convinced my husband to see Dr. James for his lower back and neck pain a few years later. He receives regular adjustments and now complains much less about being stiff and sore in the more»
I have seen Dr. James now through three pregnancies, and with all three, the regular adjustments helped to control and alleviate some of the back and leg pain that came with pregnancy. He continued to see me through the recovery of a c-section and two natural births.
Our first child was born 6 and a half weeks premature and in the breech position. We started bringing him to see Dr. James at around 2 months old to assess his mobility and maintain healthy growth and development.
We also started around the same age with our daughter for the same reasons. As all children bump and fall as they are learning to move about on their own we feel regular adjustments helped them to maintain good growth and development.
Our third child started seeing Dr. James for some mobility issues. He was having hard time turning his head to the left side and was starting to have some trouble with constipation. He was around 4 months old at the time. Within the first two adjustments, he was able to easily move his neck and head again. We continue to see Dr. James regularly for his tummy troubles and it continues to help. He still has trouble, but the length of time he goes without voiding has lessened.
Just as diet and exercise can improve your quality of life, so can regular Chiropractic Care.
-Crystal B.
The Skeptic
“Due to the controversy that surrounds chiropractic care, I was skeptical of treatment. However, I was deeply concerned about the pain I was experiencing in my lower back. Every day it seemed to get worse. I watched my mom suffer with back pain for years after a lower lumbar injury at work. It ended her career and left her permanently disabled. The thought of living with chronic back pain at times had me depressed. I also suffered terrible anxiety, insomnia, and was lethargic. I knew I had to do something because my life depended on it!
My back injury was quite mysterious as I have no recollection of any injury. The pain was quite intense and alarming. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being no or low pain, and 10 being severe, I was a 9.5. Suddenly, I could only stand and sit for short periods of time and was forced to take Tylenol every few hours. Standing in line at a show one night with friends, I feared the future of my quality of life. I was in terrible more»
I shared my concerns with a trusted friend and unbeknownst to me, she was also suffering from chronic back pain after childbirth. She was seeing a chiropractor and had found great relief after adjustments. She demanded that I see someone, and soon. After doing some research, I contacted The Port Arthur Chiropractor Center the following day. This is where my story begins! Please take a few minutes and allow me to share with you my experience with chiropractic care, specifically with Dr. James DiGiuseppe of Thunder Bay, ON.
My chiropractor thoroughly examined me and took x-rays. He explained the problem and was upfront and clear about what he could do to help me. We immediately started a treatment plan, and before any adjustments, we set performance goals. Performance goals were a major key to my chiropractic success! I made some lifestyle changes including exercise and diet. More importantly, I kept track of all my appointments and follow-up appointments.
Within a few weeks, not only did my back pain seize, my overall health improved greatly. I felt more energetic, my posture improved, my sinuses were clear, my entire core felt stronger and healthier. I felt lighter. My body changed immediately with each adjustment each week. It was almost like a miracle! You can feel your injury and the entire body beginning to heal itself. I was no longer dependent on over-the-counter pain killers. I have my life back!
Chiropractic care has changed my life. I am truly grateful for Dr. James and his staff for their services. My only regret is that I did not do it sooner. My mom, after years of improper treatment now sees a chiropractor and has found great improvement. Let go of the skepticism, let go of the fear, and trust yourself. Trust that you have the ability to find a great doctor like millions of other people have already done. You owe it to yourself, you owe it to your body. It depends on you to have the ability to take care of it.
-Brandy L.
Wonderful Experience
“It was such a wonderful experience and such friendly happy staff. It really helps you when your in a lot of pain. And having your X-rays while your in your appointment was excellent!”
-Patty J.
Excellent Experience
“My overall experience was excellent with the clinic.”
-Sheena O.
The Impressed….
“I was, and still am, so very impressed with the interest, concern and care for the well being of all your clients. It is quite evident that you Dr. DiGiuseppe not only enjoy your work, but thrive on being able to help folks into better physical well being, which of course, increases our mental and emotional well being as well.You are very informative and willing to answer questions to our full understanding using language we understand. I especially appreciated that hours session on May 5th, that was such good information and have never received that from any of the other chiropractors I have been to over the many years. Such encouragement and information to help us help ourselves, very more»
-Lorraine V.
The Veteran….

Dr. DiGiuseppe and Bill Davidson.
“When I first started seeing Dr. James, my spine was so painful that I began using a cane to help me walk to meet my friends for breakfast in the mornings. Some days it hurt so badly that I could not meet with my friends at all. I used to go out dancing with a seniors group and play with a children’s group, these soon became much too painful. Being a World War 2 veteran, I really enjoy dancing and remembering the dances from back in the day, a few good memories. It was a sad day when I had to give that more»
It became difficult to sleep through the night because of the pain, so I began taking sleeping pills. The first day I came into see the doctor (Dr.DiGiuseppe) my vision was blurry, I had ear aches, I was coughing a lot and it was painful to walk short distances. Since the first visit (after only 3 months) I was dancing again, my friends have sure noticed a huge difference in the dancing too! They also say it is good to see me having fun again. I smoke less, walk more, sleep better (and with no pills), cough much less and I do not get the blurry vision like I did before. My daughter and friends have also noticed that I have a better memory than before I began the visits to the chiropractor.I tell everyone who will listen, what chiropractic has done for me and I recommend all my family and friends to go in and get checked. I haven’t been this happy in years and I thank the doctor for that!”
-Bill Davidson (85 Years Old)
The Athlete….

Grace Shaw
“Since I have started coming to the Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre I’ve noticed a great change in my athletic performance, and with general day to day activities. Since age 12 I have suffered from a tailbone injury which made it hard for me to sit in an upright position and sometimes even get up when seated. This caused me a great amount of pain in my lower back but I soon became accustomed to it over a number of years and began to ignore it. I was also unaware of the consequences this pain had on my overall posture and I didn’t see a reason in seeking professional help until a patient of Dr.Di Giuseppe’s advised me to do so.”
read more»
“I’ve been receiving adjustments since March 2009 and (in just 3 months) have seen significant change in my lower back while taking part in physical activities. On May 31, 2009 I ran a full marathon in Calgary, Alberta, in support of Team Diabetes Canada, and I feel like chiropractic care has helped me achieve this goal with ease.”
“Preparation for this race took months of training which included physical activity 6 days a week. Since training I have become more body conscious and also have found that I no longer have to put forth as much effort to move around. I have more energy while running because I no longer feel like I am forcing my legs to move, my hips feel more flexible and relaxed, and my back feels straighter. I feel like chiropractic care has not only given me an advantage while running, but I also feel taller and straighter since coming here and I get better sleep too!”
“Thank you Dr.DiGiuseppe for keeping me in good physical shape and to Nicole for making all my visits warm and inviting with all the seasonal decorations.”
-Grace Shaw (20 Years Old)
The Next Generation….

Daytona Shaffer and Dalainee Shaffer
“Our whole family started coming to the Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre in January of 2008. When I first met Dr. James, I mentioned to him that Dalainee, who was two and a half years old at the time, always had a runny nose and had tubes put in her ears. It seemed that no matter what cold was going around, she always caught it and an ear infection followed. There was concern that even with the tubes, her hearing was being affected because of the constant fluid build up in her ears, which we were attributing to allergies. I lamented that I had already resigned myself to a lifetime of doctors’ visits and allergy medications for more»
Dr. James suggested that Dalainee start coming for regular chiropractic adjustments, and it was actually the first time that someone suggested chiropractic care to help with her health issues.”
“Daytona, who was 5 when we started seeing Dr.James was a breech baby, and had lots of physical therapy when she was born. Her hips were crooked and her head strained to one side quite a bit. Even after the therapy was finished, Daytona was always a little clumsy and would sometimes complain of neck pain and headaches, but not often enough to visit a doctor… or so we thought.”
“I was surprised that on our first visit both Dalainee and Daytona were comfortable getting on the table and letting Dr. James adjust them… I thought they would be scared, but Dr. James made them very comfortable. It was only a matter of weeks before they were playing “Dr. James” at home, pretending to do adjustments on all willing family members. After a few months, someone asked the girls, “What does Dr.James do?” and their responses were, “He scratches my back” and “He tickles me!” It’s been one year since we first came to see Dr.James and they still fight over who gets to be adjusted first!”
“The changes in Dalainee, who is now 4, are evident in the fact that we haven’t visited the doctor for an illness since the summer of 2008. She gets her hearing tested every 6 months, and on our last visit in the spring of 2009 she tested low normal, the best result we have had yet. The fluid build up in her ears has diminished and is no longer keeping her ears inflamed all the time, so the tubes are better able to do their job, and her nose doesn’t run anymore. Daytona, 7 years old now, hasn’t had a headache in months and is definitely in better control of her body. Both girls attend school and daycare, and rarely get sick, not even with the common cold. I have definitely seen improvements in their health, but even better, they are happier kids now that their bodies are properly aligned.
-Daytona Shaffer (7 Years Old) and Dalainee Shaffer (4 Years Old)
If you want to find out if chiropractic care can help you, all Port Arthur Chiropractic Centre at (807) 345-9700.